Monday, 11 October 2010

More sewing!

Hello again!

Here's another few projects I've completed recently.

I really enjoyed using my favourite fabrics to make this pot holder.

I simply scrap-pieced some fabric together, chose some backing fabric, sandwiched them with some wadding. Then, I made some binding. My binding tutorial is here. Unusually for me, I hand-stitched some of the binding.  A pot holder is basically a mini-quilt which holds pots. 

It needed some quilting to complete it, so without hesitation I chose to use embroidery thread. Embroidery thread is amazing.

I also made a tutu out of a net curtain and a belt. Yeah. You did just read that right! I've seen many tutus on blog-land and have really wanted to give it a go for sometime. 

To begin with, I cut an ladies size down to size I thought was small enough to fit a child. I then sealed the end of the belt with nail varnish and left it to dry.

Then, I cut lengths of the net curtain and slip-knotted them onto the belt, making sure the slip-knots all faced the same way.

I'm hoping a little girl will enjoy playing with it!

I have one more thing to show you today.

Here's a skirt that I altered from a ladies one size fits all to a child's size.

To do this, I sewed up and down the waistband a few times near to where I wanted to cut it. Do this both sides. This stops the elastic pinging! Cut the waistband and then simply sew up the sides. Finally, I took some fabric off the bottom and re-hemmed it to make it shorter.


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